“ To be unattached to all issues of the world, to pursue enlightenment, and to serve humanity’s awakening – is a calling that has arisen in a certain sector of humanity since time immemorial. Such a calling is neither strange nor peculiar. Such aspirants are born time, and again to serve the earth. These dedicated individuals are necessary for powering a shift in the human collective.”
– Sri Preethaji
If you feel a calling to dedicate your life to the pursuit of enlightenment and to serve in shifting human consciousness away from conflict, division, and separation to oneness, Oneness Living could be the journey for you.
At Oneness Living, you will immerse yourself in a life of simplicity, celibacy, dedication, devotion, service, community living and spiritual practice.
You will be building upon 5 spiritual foundations during Oneness Living:
1. Service
You must be willing to serve, whether by day or by night, and in any required capacity, in fulfilling the vision of our mukti gurus. You may be serving either on the spiritual front, in teaching at the various events, or in guiding visitors or seekers who come to Ekam, in organizing online and live events. You must be prepared to spread the teachings and the message of oneness in any way necessary or required.
- You may also serve in the foundation activities of building world villages, creating forests, or disaster relief.
- You may be required to serve in the various mystic ceremonies at Ekam that build a connection between the seeker and the divine on a transcendental plane.
Depending on your passion, your samskaras and vasanas of earlier lifetimes, our mukti gurus will guide you and give you the wisdom you need to serve. Your service shall be in whichever capacity needed and wherever necessary.
2. Non-attachment
Once you embark on Oneness Living, you will release your attachment to the world, so as to devote yourself wholly to a life of selfless service and endless devotion. Like a fruit that is ripe and falls from the tree naturally, you will need to let go of all attachments: family, possessions, positions, etc.
Your family (by blood) will be able to visit you once a year and you can visit them to care for their urgent needs, if necessary.
3. Celibacy
Living as a dasa in the Oneness Living journey, you will need to let go of your romantic interests and relationships. This non-engagement in romantic and sexual activities is an absolute requirement to live as an Ekam Dasa.
4. Commitment to enlightenment
You must be absolutely dedicated to your evolution into oneness.
Setting yourself free from every trace of suffering and living with oneness consciousness will be your life‘s prime focus.
5. Community living
You will live as a community with other dasas, like the various branches of a tree, all connected to the vision of awakening humanity to oneness.
You live with simplicity, sharing and caring for each other, and supporting one another in your service and spiritual evolution.
Basic Requirements:
- You should be above 18 years and below 40 years of age
- You may either be single or divorced.
- You must be sound in mind and be free of any serious medical conditions.
- You must have no debts or financial ties that suck you into the world.
- The ultimate requirement is a total willingness for a life of service.
The Procedure:
- Once you are willing to abide by these requirements, write to us with your request. We will get back to you for a detailed interview.
- Once approved, you will join Sankalpa and stay at any of our Ekam campuses for a period of a year or longer.
During your time at Sankalpa, you will serve in any capacity as required.
After your probationary period at sankalpa, If you are sure you want to continue, you will meet with our mukti gurus. With their blessings, you are initiated as a novice, and begin to live with the community of Ekam Dasas as a family. There is no fixed time frame for when you are ordained as a dasa, from being a novice. Our Mukti Guru’s decide your ordination when you are ripe.