Ekam Mitras are a global community of people who are trained and initiated by Sri Preethaji & Sri Krishnaji. They act as sacred channels for the power of divine to flow through them. They connect to the power of Ekam and give touch Deeksha & intention Deeksha online.
Being established in beautiful states of connection and compassion, they facilitate the wisdom lessons of Sri Preethaji & Sri Krishnaji.
They lovingly hand hold seekers who come into their Ekam Circles by leading them into simple but profound meditation practices.
They have chosen to act as instruments in the mission of transforming human consciousness.

Sri Krishnaji believes that if a certain number of individuals awaken to enlightened states of consciousness, then humanity will hit a tipping point and there will be a phase transition that would unfold in the entirety of consciousness. A tipping point is that magic moment when humanity crosses a threshold and moves towards oneness irreversibly.
The Ekam Mithras play an active role in bringing about phase transition. When people step into the Ekam circles, they open up to the experience of states of connection, divine communion and sometimes even a profound state of oneness. They initiate a journey of transformation in the seekers.
Passionate seekers could join hands with Sri Preethaji & Sri Krishnaji in their massive vision of world transformation and become channels of grace. They must go through the Ekam Circles training, currently offered online.
Here they are trained with the necessary wisdom lessons, meditation practices and above all initiated by Sri Preethaji and Sri Krishnaji into becoming powerful vehicles.
Many people feel a deep calling in their hearts to become an Ekam Mithra and to support Sri Preethaji & Sri Krishnaji’s vision of awakening human consciousness after themselves having experienced a spiritual awakening and the power of the divine phenomenon in their personal lives.
The community of Ekam mitras also have the special blessing of being nurtured directly by the founders once a month, where they receive deeper insights and experience powerful states in consciousness and emerge into more powerful channels. They are continually guided by the faculty from Ekam.
Currently we have over 4,000 Ekam mithras running 4,000 Ekam circles from over 100 countries of the world and this is a growing number.
Being an Ekam mithra you play an incredibly exciting and fulfilling role in making the lives of individuals, families and organizations more beautiful and in creating a more peaceful humanity.